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Health Occupations Course

The Health Occupations Course is a partnership between Prosser Memorial Health and Prosser School District. This year-long course is for selected high school seniors who are interested in pursuing health-related careers or have general healthcare and wellness interests.

Through experimental, observational, and traditional classroom learning, students are exposed to the many aspects and features of healthcare. Students spend four days a week in rotations in different PMH departments—shadowing doctors, observing surgeries firsthand, and riding along on EMS/ambulance calls, to name a few.

The other day of the week is spent in classroom-style learning with lessons focusing on everything from anatomy to CPR and nutrition. This combination of textbook and hands-on learning gives students additional knowledge to support their rotation experience. 

Classes & Programs
Health Occupations Course

Helping students attain:

  • Firsthand experience in a variety of healthcare settings

  • Valuable skills they can carry into their future careers

  • Knowledge that sets the ground work for future education

How can a high school student enroll in the Health Occupations Program?

Our Health Occupations Program is eligible to high school seniors in the Prosser School District. Students must apply, go through an interview process, and be accepted in order to participate. 

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